Got Your Prebiotics?

You’re probably familiar with probiotics, but what about prebiotics? But before we get to PRE-bitoics let’s recap PRO-biotics. Probiotics are the “good” bacteria in the body, most of which reside in the intestines or gut. Probiotics keep your digestive system running smoothly, which is critical to good health. Probiotics are usually found in fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt (go for non-dairy), and kombucha, or can be taken as a supplement.
Prebiotics are what probiotics feed on, their best foods source. So the more prebiotics you consume the more probiotics you will have keeping things in balance. Prebiotics are found in the soluble fiber of fruits, vegetables and other plant foods. The soluble fiber help to move cholesterol and glucose to the colon for elimination, promoting good digestion and colorectal health.
When making food choices it's helpful to know which plant foods are high in prebiotic soluble fiber. For instance, an apple has about one gram, while a cup of oatmeal has about 2 grams, and a half cup of kidney beans has about 3 grams. Those small quantities would explain why most Americans do not get the recommended daily allowance. The recommend intake of prebiotic fiber is around 15-20 grams per day. When eating out or traveling out of town, it’s even more difficult to get enough of the right foods to support good digestive health.
Certain foods have higher concentrations of prebiotic soluble fiber and can help with weight control, digestion and elimination. One example is powdered acacia by PreBioUSA Prebiotic Fiber. Acacia is a plant or shrub found in tropical and subtropical regions like Australia and Africa. This Prebiotic fiber is pure dried organic acacia powder with 8 grams of prebiotic fiber per serving, along with calcium, magnesium, potassium and 17 amino acids. To give Prebiotic Fiber a try for yourself, as I have visit:
Thanks to my colleague, Alan Maddox, for contributing to this blog!