USB Flash Drive -2018 Wash, DC Holistic Health Summit
SKU: 0222
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Watch the sessions from the phenomenal2018 Re-Engineer Your Life Holistic Health Summit in Washington, DC, held on the campus of The Catholic University of America.
Theme: “Total Health and Healing,” Transitioning to a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle, natural and integrative approaches to disease prevention and recovery, and emotional wholeness.
The USB Flash Drive contents include the six (6) summit speakers listed below and the summit highlight video:
- Emotional Balance & Healing from the Inside Out: Dondre Whitfield, actor and motivational speaker, who stars in the OWN television network series Queen Sugar
- Defeating Breast Cancer – Challenging You to a Better Life: Bershan Shaw, author and motivational speaker of Love in the City, also on the OWN network, beat breast cancer twice
- Healing with Food: Dr. Ruby Lathon, PhD of What the Health, Director Roadmap to Holistic Health
- Medical Benefits of Plant-based Diets & Breaking the Cheese Addiction: Dr. James Loomis, MD; Medical Director, Barnard Medical Center, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Fundamentals & Importance of Holistic Dentistry: Dr. Terry Victor, DDS; Holistic Dentist, The DC Dentist
- Nutritional Deficiencies & Food: Dr. Baruch, Author, Speaker & Health Literacy Expert, ELife Restaurant Group
Details on future summits at:
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