How to Detox Gently
The change of season is often a time when many decide to embark upon a cleansing program or ritual to help reset their bodies and mind...

Got Your Prebiotics?
You’re probably familiar with probiotics, but what about prebiotics? But before we get to PRE-bitoics let’s recap PRO-biotics. Probiotics...

Living to 100 & Beyond!
Have you seen this 81 year old body building grandmother? She is amazing! But before you dismiss her as superhuman or someone who lucked...

What is “Eating Right”?
We all know we should “eat right” to be healthy, but unfortunately, a lot of folks don’t know what that really means. I’ve been studying...

Compassion is an action word...
As a teen, my first music idols were Michael Jackson and Prince. I kept a picture of MJ on my bedroom shelf and swore “PYT” was written...

Showing Love...
February is a short but very special month, not only is it Black History Month, right in the middle there’s Valentine’s Day. While we...