Ch‐ch‐ch CHIA! Not just another novelty
Chia Pets were always an interesting novelty to me. As a kid, I remember singing the Chia Pet jingle with my sister, and giggling at the...
Ketchup and Other Vegetables…
Growing up, one of my brothers hated tomatoes! Whenever he refused to eat tomatoes we would all point out how he loved ketchup and that...
February's Natural Sweetness! What is the best sweetener?
February is a sweet month with free‐flowing declarations of love and lots of sweet treats at every turn. But even in this sweet month, we...
The Alpha and OMEGA. The ESSENTIALS…
The alpha and omega concept representing the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet holds significant meaning and symbolism. For...
Eat Your Beets, Sweetie! Find out what they can do for you.
We all know it’s important to eat our veggies, but sometimes vegetables just don’t seem to be all that alluring. That is, until you dig a...
The Apple Epiphany!
It's well known that Sir Isaac Newton had an interesting relationship with apples, since it was the apple that inspired some serious...
The Food Revolution – I’m Lovin’ it!
Recently “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution” television show debuted chronicling Oliver’s efforts to improve the health of one of America’s...